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Cats and Dogs

In 2017 Breyer obtained the North American distribution rights for CollectA's Cats and Dogs pieces and sells them under the "Corral Pals" label. They are the same as CollectA's issues and bear the same model numbers. Each of these releases is indicated below as "Corral Pals" and have both a "Breyer by CollectA" hang tag and are stamped "Breyer" on the belly. You can also find the Border Collie on the Farm Life page. Note: CollectA will re-use the same name on different molds, such as with the German Shepherd. I have labeled these molds I, II, etc. to avoid confusion but this isn't an official designation.

The photos below are thumbnails. Clicking on an image will open a larger version of that image. Clicking on a mold name will take you to that mold page.

Thumbnail Mold Name Thumbnail Mold Name Thumbnail Mold Name
Afghan Hound Dalmatian Puppy
Corral Pals

Old English Sheepdog Puppy
Afghan Hound Puppy Doberman Pinscher
Corral Pals
Persian Cat Sitting
Airedale Terrier Doberman Pinscher Puppy Persian Cat Lying
Corral Pals (Persian Cat)
Airedale Terrier Puppy English Cocker Spaniel
Corral Pals
American Staffordshire Terrier
Corral Pals
English Cocker Spaniel Puppy Rottweiler
Corral Pals
Australian Cattle Dog Exotic Shorthair Rottweiler Puppy
Corral Pals
German Shepherd I Rough Collie
Beagle II German Shepherd II
Corral Pals
Rough Haired Collie
Bernese Mountain Dog
Corral Pals
German Shepherd Puppy I Rough Haired Collie Puppy
Birman Cat Sitting German Shepherd Puppy II
Corral Pals
Saint Bernard
Corral Pals
Birman Cat Standing Golden Retriever
Corral Pals
Corral Pals
Border Collie
Corral Pals
Golden Retriever Puppy
Corral Pals
Shar Pei
Border Collie w/ Tennis Ball Great Dane Shar Pei Puppy
Boxer Great Dane Puppy Shih Tzu
Corral Pals
British Shorthair Cat Sitting Greyhound Siamese Cat Sitting
Corral Pals
Bull Dog
Corral Pals
Greyhound Puppy Siamese Cat Stretching
Bull Dog Puppy Irish Red Setter Siberian Husky
Corral Pals
Bull Terrier - Female Irish Red Setter Puppy Stretching Cat
Corral Pals
Bull Terrier - Male
Corral Pals
Jack Russell Terrier
Corral Pals
Three-Colour House Cat Sitting
Burmese Cat Lying Jack Russell Terrier Puppy Welsh Corgi
Coral Pals
Burmese Cat Standing Labrador Retriever
Corral Pals
Welsh Corgi Puppy
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Corral Pals
Labrador Retriever Puppy
Corral Pals
West Highland White
Corral Pals (West Highland)
Chow Chow Norwegian Forest Cat Sitting
Corral Pals
West Highland White Puppy
Chow Chow Puppy Norwegian Forest Cat Standing Yorkshire Terrier
Corral Pals
Corral Pals
Old English Sheepdog Yorkshire Terrier Puppy
Corral Pals

This website, including all photographs and original text, is Copyright IDYB © 2016-. It is not sponsored by Collecta Global Limited ("CollectA").

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